Duty eats free will for breakfast.

Daryl Gregory
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Were these boys in their right minds? Here were two boys with good intellect, one eighteen and one nineteen. They had all the prospects that life could hold out for any of the young; one a graduate of Chicago and another of Ann Arbor; one... - Clarence Darrow

  2. Every instinct that is found in any man is in all men. The strength of the emotion may not be so overpowering, the barriers against possession not so insurmountable, the urge to accomplish the desire less keen. With some, inhibitions and urges may be neutralized... - Clarence Darrow

  3. To be a god can ultimately become boring and degrading. There'd be reason enough for the invention of free will! A god might wish to escape into sleep and be alive only in the unconscious projections of his dream-creatures. - Frank Herbert

  4. Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. - Henry David Thoreau

  5. We may not yet know the right way to go, but we should at least stop going in the wrong direction. - Stefan Molyneux

More Quotes By Daryl Gregory
  1. The problem with getting old was that each day had to compete with the thousands of others gone by. How wonderful would a day have to be to win such a beauty contest? To even make it into the finals? Never mind that memory rigged...

  2. Fucking is not an adequate name for what we just did there, ' Irene said. 'We need a better word. Something more festive.'' Fucktivities?' he offered.' Celebratio, ' she said.' Funnilingus!

  3. A monster crosses over into the everyday world. The mortals struggle and show great courage, but it’s no use. The monster kills first the guilty, then the innocent, until finally only one remains. The Last Boy, the Last Girl. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>There is a final...

  4. The rhythm of breath may have been our first language.

  5. I’ve always been a sucker for the beautiful and the batshit.

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